Jennifer Niemann

Jennifer Niemann · +1-(305)-421-4736

Jennifer Niemann is a Research Analyst at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, where she conducts research on adaptive responses to climate change risks.

Niemann explores the methods of climate migration and managed retreat, with a specific focus on stakeholder motivations, objectives, perceived outcomes, and current understandings of community adaptation, both concentrated in the South Florida region and nation-wide. In order to build evidence-based and decision-relevant knowledge, her research includes a mixed-methods holistic assessment of buyout goals and outcomes, spanning the areas of risk reduction, economics, sociocultural experiences, environmental impacts, and the barriers and opportunities that influenced these outcomes.

Prior to joining UM, Niemann obtained a MS in Biostatistics from the University of Kansas Medical Center. Here, as a Graduate Research Assistant, she conducted statistical analyses of clinical trials, including extensive work on a trial for a smoking cessation drug. Niemann also holds a BS in Statistics and a BBA in Economics from Marshall University, where she researched statistical modeling methods most appropriate for dealing with data containing non-detect observations.

